Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Where there is life there is hope

A prayer has just been answered for me, my son was accepted at the animal shelter as
a volunteer. It may not be his career goal, but right now, he has no goal and no motivation.
The second half of my prayer for my son is that maybe this will push him onto a good path.
Maybe he will meet someone that will inspire him to do better in this facility.
Maybe helping animals that are in need inspires him to make a difference and let go of his own woes. He has a  kind heart and cares a lot for animals maybe this is a sign sent from God. Maybe, maybe not.  It's better then a couple days ago when we thought he wasn't even going to get a job as a volunteer because of his criminal record. The boredom of not working would make it just about impossible for
him to stay off the heroin. Not getting out into the world, staying home, relying on these so called
"friends" (dealers, the false illusion addicts have that the dealers are their friends) as his only social
network...he can never make it off heroin in that situation. This job provides hope, not only for him but for me, his mom.

He made it through his first court date, he will attend that class I told you about a couple posts ago.
He will take that class and that will be end of that, provided he does not get arrested or go into
that particular store again for 90 days after he takes this class.

Now, he has an actual job lined up. A wonderful rewarding volunteer job. I pray this opportunity
pushes him onto the right path. He is out of options and honestly, he is unemployable at this point,
this volunteer job could slowly bring him back into the work force. This job could play a good and positive influence on the court for his next two court dates.

I am very content with my home life tonite. I thank God for a good evening.
I will pray for him, pray for you out there suffering too and I will sneak a little
prayer in there for me, not only to get my son out on his own....but to give me
the ability to leave my current job and follow my passion.


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