Sunday, April 24, 2011

A quiet Easter day

"Do not anticipate trouble, or worry about what may never happen. Keep in the sunlight".
Benjamin Franklin

Happy Easter everyone. Today is peaceful in my home. Just my son Jack and myself.
Jack came home Friday night. I think he was clean and I think he has been clean
this whole weekend. I did not get a urine test from him
to assure myself he was clean. Perhaps I should of.
I have mandated that he is to give me clean urine tests
in order to live in my apartment. When he uses he makes up every excuse in the world
as why he can not give me a urine test. Oh the fights. It's so exhausting.

By the way, I put a link on my blog of a good website for ordering drug testing kits.
The kits are MUCH cheaper online versus the ones in the store.

It was quiet all day here, cloudy and windy, a good t.v. day. Jack just scooted out to
see visit a friend. I never know what will happen when he walks out the door.
But, like I have said before, I am going to see him through and let him live with
me until his court dates have cleared. I posted bail bonds for him and I can not
afford to have him miss the court dates. The first court date is May, Friday the 13th.
Hope that's not an omen about how the day will go. This court date is for
his shoplifting. He went to a high end clothing store, walked out with an expensive
outfit and tried to return the outfit for a refund, about $400.00 and he was caught.
Amazing what the heroin stuff makes people do out of desperation.

Well, he returned and states he is in for the night. So all and all it has been a nice Easter,
no fights, no arrests, no ill feelings ...just a day of rest.

We have to appreciate those uneventful even "boring" days when we live with addiction.

I hope you're Easter Sunday was as peaceful as mine, and if it was not, if you had the fighting,
the door slaming, the ill feelings of dispare, hang in there, tomorrow is another day and you're
bound to get a peaceful day in soon. 

My prayers tonight will be for all us suffering with addictions or living with addicts.


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