Hi out there. If you have come upon my blog then I suspect there is a chance you are either living with an addiction or have loved ones that are addicts. I write this blog in hopes to help keep you sane, no matter what your situation is. I have just reached my 50th birthday and I hope to save
as many of you out there as I can from making the same mistakes I did. There were so many moments in my life that if I had made a different decision, in a split second, just a different decision,
I could of perhaps prevented and even ended some of the madness and craziness that you are about to read about
over the next several weeks. I will give you a quick outline of my situation and I assure you I have experienced just about all angles of addictions and I am sure through out my blog you be able to relate to one situation or another.
- My father and Grandfather were alcoholics
-I married an alcoholic
-I, regretably, became an alcohlic
-My only son, is a heroin addict.
Later on I will share some horror stories of the listed above while under the influence.
Hopefully the stories will make you NEVER want to start!
So, as my title states...How does it all start? (hopefully my last blog title when I have finished
with all this will be "This is how it all stops!") Well, I guess it can start with family habits and genes.
I have read up on all this and there is medical truth that it can easily be passed on down for generations.
Perhaps not the same preference of addiction, but never the less, the addiction gene can get passed down. It can be as simple as just lack of confidence or lack of faith in a higher power, with out either of those fear can consume you. The fear of daily life. Peer presure, family presure, love life, lack of love life, money, jobs, the daily tv news..just the fear of life period. Everyone has these fears with some level of degree but some families fester on the fear more easily, then if you throw in the way a family tradition of
how they deal with the fears, either by drinking, drugs, over sexed, cruelity...well...then it becomes
family heredity/ trait. If by some unique chance that the addiction is of no cause from family "traits" if you will, then it comes down to good old environment/surroundings. Understanding how far back the 'reason" for the addiction stems from in your
situation is important because it helps with the understanding of how they got to the miserable addiction level they did and can provide some sympothy when the addict does horrific things. But a critical point of all this is...when you analyize the inital onset of how the addiction began you can not, ABSOLUTELY CAN NOT (and yes, I have my caps on so I am yelling this :) )
use this knowledge as a pity party and wallow around with the knowledge and use it as justification
for being an addict. It's too easy to say.."Ya,so what if I got
Sh_t faced and got arrested, my parents were drunks"
Oh, get over it.....it's
time to turn it around, acknowledge how it got started, forgive those who may have brought the
onset of the addiction onto you and then make the change to FIX it.
Ok,...going to take a break now...next blog..will start with some of the horror stories. I hope to show you all out there the evils of drugs and over use of alcohol and what the loved ones around you have to go through.
And if you are one of those "loved ones" trying to decide weather or not to boot out the addict from
your life...the "tough love" tactic, well, keep reading, I hope to shed some insight that situation.
Thanks for reading! Until tomorrow.
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