Monday, May 30, 2011

Retraction from my last post, I DO have faith

hi, everything has been going wrong.  On my 4th frigging interview for this new job they informed me
they did not realize what i requested as my 'needed' wages and they could not afford to provide me that.
What a waste of time. And my son, we got ANOTHER court order for stealing, this time it was tents...
so in June he still has THREE court dates we just got done one.

Is he clean...well,...he is trying....but its not really working out that great...what an EVIL Heroin is.

But anyways...i have faith...i am going to bed early tonight and i will be apologizing and asking forgiveness in the God above for my lack of faith. i have faith..and i will be praying most of the night.
i just need a break a small miracle must come my way sometime.  Anyways...keep the faith and PRAY
PRAY PRAY,,,,I do believe

Everything will be okay in the end.  If it's not okay, it's not the end.  ~Author Unknown

Hi, I have taken a few days from writing in this blog. Well, I have to be honest folks,
I have given up on my faith. I have been praying for so long for so many years and the misery
is still all around me. My job, the rumors are that they will let go of three more people and I will be one of them. I went on a job interview, got my hopes up only to find out they forgot
to check my wage requirement and they can’t even come close to paying me what I currently make. I live paycheck to paycheck and with the bills I have have (mostly from my heroin addicted son) I can’t accept a job with that much less pay….guess I will just have to wait out
and see about the rumors at work.

My son…oh you won’t believe this…HE WAS ARRESTED AGAIN..yes AGAIN!
So, he has ONE shop lifting that he just got through (had to take a court ordered class)
he is done with that…now he has TWO MORE shop lifting cases and one case for getting caught using in a public restroom.

I HAVE to have the strength to kick him out at the end of June, I have no choice, my depression is so severe I am thinking daily of ending my life. I have to wait until that court date that I posted bond for, it’s the last week of June. I don’t want to owe on that bond
and I know if I kick him out now he will never make it to that court date and I will owe.

The story of my life….OWE OWE OWE….
And honestly folks…my crap about PRAYING and having faith..forget it…there is no higher
power…so…suck it up and deal with it …
Well,…this is about the last post I will write as no one is reading my blog anyways.

Have a wonderful holiday and be safe.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

dope sickness: kids dont start:

HI, my son tried to come off the heroin and last nite he started the detox, he has gone through this so many times it is heart breaking to see such pain in another human being. He had good intentions but lied to me this morning about needing a ride to his new volunteer job, but all he did was get a ride closer to his dealer and he is using today. KIDS, DONT START, you can never imagine the pain you have to go through to get off of it.

 I am at my wits end just wish I had the guts to get in my car and drive away from him and from my hellish job.

Well, judgement day never happened yesterday....I am so ready for it, I was actually disappointed
it never happened.

I am still praying, still applying for jobs, still praying for some sort of miracle to come my way to get me
out of this purgatory stage of my life.

I also pray it happens SOON 

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Parent of an Addict: What’s it Really Like?

Parent of an Addict: What’s it Really Like?

Where There Is Life, There Is Hope

Where There Is Life, There Is Hope

Where there is life there is hope

A prayer has just been answered for me, my son was accepted at the animal shelter as
a volunteer. It may not be his career goal, but right now, he has no goal and no motivation.
The second half of my prayer for my son is that maybe this will push him onto a good path.
Maybe he will meet someone that will inspire him to do better in this facility.
Maybe helping animals that are in need inspires him to make a difference and let go of his own woes. He has a  kind heart and cares a lot for animals maybe this is a sign sent from God. Maybe, maybe not.  It's better then a couple days ago when we thought he wasn't even going to get a job as a volunteer because of his criminal record. The boredom of not working would make it just about impossible for
him to stay off the heroin. Not getting out into the world, staying home, relying on these so called
"friends" (dealers, the false illusion addicts have that the dealers are their friends) as his only social
network...he can never make it off heroin in that situation. This job provides hope, not only for him but for me, his mom.

He made it through his first court date, he will attend that class I told you about a couple posts ago.
He will take that class and that will be end of that, provided he does not get arrested or go into
that particular store again for 90 days after he takes this class.

Now, he has an actual job lined up. A wonderful rewarding volunteer job. I pray this opportunity
pushes him onto the right path. He is out of options and honestly, he is unemployable at this point,
this volunteer job could slowly bring him back into the work force. This job could play a good and positive influence on the court for his next two court dates.

I am very content with my home life tonite. I thank God for a good evening.
I will pray for him, pray for you out there suffering too and I will sneak a little
prayer in there for me, not only to get my son out on his own....but to give me
the ability to leave my current job and follow my passion.


Monday, May 16, 2011

When people go to work, they shouldn't have to leave their hearts at home.  ~Betty Bender

When people go to work, they shouldn't have to leave their hearts at home.  ~Betty Bender

Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.  ~Confucius

Hi all, had a tough day today. My son came home very late last night from helping a friend build a shed, when I asked him for a urine test he said he did not have to go and went to bed.
The typical bull crap is happening all over again. I had prayed and hoped that from his last court date it may have scarred him enough and/or made him grateful enough to stop using. Somethings got to give, I know it will, I know God
will turn this around somehow.

Then, my work, oh, I can’t even go there. It is just awful.

For moments today I gave up on my faith. But then a co-worker, whose job is going
to be terminated this upcoming Friday reminded me never to give up.
We purchase a lottery together each week and pray like crazy to win.

She will soon be out of a job, I will soon be doing HER job and the other employees
they let go and my son is not making my home life any better.

I will pray and pray and pray tonight.

Don’t give up hope in your situation either….keep praying, try to make the necessary changes in your life to change the course of your life if your unhappy, but in mean time, while you "wait" for something to fall into place as I am…..


Sunday, May 15, 2011

Just got back from church

HI, just got back from church. This morning at church I tried to just be thankful for all that I have
and all the good God has provided me so far.

Still snuck a prayer in there for a career change and my son to move up and beyond his heroin addiction.
But, one day at a time.

For today: try to thank the good Lord for the good you do have in your life. I know it seems like good things are null when you have addiction in your life...but try it...take a break today and just think of the few little good things you have or picture how it actually could be worst. Hard to believe when you have an addict in your life or if you're addicted that it could be any worst..but it could be...
I will pray for us all out there....if only we could get the word out there and if only the word was SO POWERFUL it put the drug cartel out of business....

KEEP THE FAITH AND PRAY!  If you are your wits end...try Church...just try it.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Heavy hearted today: Hopes of a job not so likely now;

Friday the 13th court date went much better than expected, read my previous post. His next two court dates are in June, so he has a couple of weeks to breath a little.  I am grateful that one of the bail bonds I posted was just closed out with the courts. I have one more for one of his court dates in June, I have to
get him to his court date or I will owe $500.00 in bail funds. At least one of the bail bonds is closed.
The other court date in June did not require a bail bond, he shopped lifted under $250.00. I did not even
know he was arrested for that until I found the court requests forms in his bedroom.

Oh to live like this...what a shame, heroin and drug addiction is so evil and only makes life miserable.

Jack, was hopeful when the animal shelter contacted him about training. He went today but only to find out that they "STILL HAVE NOT DONE THE BACKGROUND CHECK YET".
Ouch, he thought they already had done that and accepted him anyways. Even though he put on his
application his criminal record, he is not sure if the recent shoplifting records will appear.

It looks pretty grim that he will now get the volunteer job. What a waste, with his record the chances
of him getting ANY job is grim.

FOLKS>>>DON'T USE< DON'T BREAK THE RULES AND THE just doesn't pay and it
will nip you in the butt and ruin your life one time or another!

I will keep praying, he needs this volunteer job, it is so important to get him active and busy to
keep his mind off boredom and the urge to use. Plus, it will start reestablishing his work history,
after being fired from every job, maybe this would be the one time he flourishes and moves up
with the organization. I guess I sound silly...such dreams, such hopes, such prayers....

and me...dreading my job on Monday...oh..if only a little miracle comes my way.
I will pray. I believe, I pray to God he helps my son and I get on a happier and healthier track
in life...I will also pray that my blog and my book when I finish it will help others in similar
situations like my son and I. I pray for all you out there for safe and contentment with life.

Be safe everyone ....

Friday, May 13, 2011

God has a plan, I believe - oh, and HAPPY FRIDAY THE 13th

We got back from court not too long ago today. My prayer and the prayer I asked my counselor
(from the Stephens Ministry) and the Pastor at my church, we prayed that no matter what the court decided today, it was at the hands of God and it is for the best. I have been praying, and even begging God that he make the right decision today, if my son has no intentions of getting his life together..
then imprison him. Put him behind bars to dry out, stop stealing and to give me a break.
If there is chance, then keep him a free man.

The decision, well, the arresting officer did not make it, so the Judge asked the Public Defender
if instead of postponing this if she would want to try to make a deal with the store owners
(they were there). She agree. The outcome, they made a deal, my son is to participate in a special
program that has classes on "making the right decisions" in life. I will get you that name and
info in either this post or my next post. The course is $100.00. Ouch, but not impossible.

And...God took it on step I stated in my previous posts, my son is virtually unemployable.
He has been fired from every job and now has not only his felony record, lost license to DUI, he
now has a shop lifting record. He had applied to work at the local animal rescue as a volunteer.
He was sure they declined him as he had not heard from them in weeks. Well, yesterday they
contacted him and he starts training tomorrow.

It may be the miracle he needs. A job to keep him busy, a job helping animals in need, plus,
not getting any money to tempt him from buying drugs.  Might be the miracle he needs, but he could
just blow it like everything else.  But for today..I am going to try to keep my faith strong and believe
that God will not make me endure this lifestyle much longer and he will help my son.

Now...if the Dear Lord would go just one more tiny little step further..and help me with my current job.
I just need a break...come into some unexpected money, or have one of the many companies I have applied for a job with (relocating to FL) reply and grant me an interview.

Suppose I'm asking too step at time. Live in the minute...and this particular minute
life is ok.

My son has two more court dates.  Again, one step, one day, one minute at a time.
God bless and HAPPY FRIDAY THE 13th

Here is the link I spoke of above, but I believe the classes are assigned from the court system.
If you are in the process of a court hearing, ask your lawer about this program:

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

OMIG...I just kicked him out, and only a day from court!

OMIG, I just walked into his bedroom and caught him using and kicked him out. Just like that.
Couldn't take it any more. I know he's been using, and I have been putting up with it because he's
hidden it so well, but tonight, I lost it. Yup...

Great....Now that I put him out on the streets, ...he will do just that..become a street junkie..
so..great chances he WILL NOT MAKE HIS COURT DATE ON FRIDAY..soooo...i
will be screwed out that bond bail money and now owe 1000.00, the story of my life.

oh..if I only kept my cool and at least got him to court....


forgive my last post, I was wallowing in my own misery

Forgive my last post, I was wallowing in my own misery.
Crazy overload at work. Tired, and now, we are two days away
from my son's court date. Today I came home from work, the dog
was walked and the apartment impressively cleaned, all by my son.

Folks, I really do love that kid. All I can do now is pray. I don't know
what else to do or what other avenue to take.

All I had to tonight was turn on the news and see people losing their homes
due to floods and other people getting arrested for violent crimes.

Guess it all puts in prospective. Tonight, it is cold outside, we are safe in
a decent apartment, have some food in the fridge..and we have family,my
son and I and our sweet little dog.

Guess this is as good as it can get for tonight.....I must be grateful and I am.

Off to pray now...thanks for reading...

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Jacob Marley- three more days until the court date

   Oh, Please hear my prayer:

I pray my son sees the light and WANTS herion out of his life. I pray that I come into some
unexpected miracle money and can send him to a rehab. While he is at the rehab, I pray that
I have enough funds to relocate to Fl to be nearer to siblings.

I have made so many mistakes in my life, I just pray that something changes and soon.
My job is so depressing my home life living with my addicted son is as depressing.

Please, hear my prayer.  I am Jacob Marley, walking this earth with chains and lead balls
of unhappiness.

Please hear my prayer, remove a view links off the chain, please.

Thanks to any one reading this.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Making bad choices today will create skeletons in your closet tomorrow.

Four more days until my son's court date.

My work also just fired a real decent employee, in our Sales department.
A good worker, a family man, had great sales up until a couple months ago and they are firing him. Unbelivable.
I'm stressed, something has to come my way soon.

Four more days until my son's court date and I am numb. I am exhausted and depressed with my job and
the anticipation of the outcome of my son's court date is weighing me down even more.

Tonight, we are in, crappy weather outside, we are  both in and watching tv,   had a decent dinner, the dog is sleeping on the living room floor, almost "looks" like the perfect American family....if there is such a thing.

I will reside to bed soon and I will be praying, praying for a good hour or so. If only a small miracle would come my way.  I will keep the faith, something has to give.
     this reminds me of me..HELP>>I'm drowning in life

Sunday, May 8, 2011

my emotions on mother's day

My son came home tonite, and despite all my anger, he brought me a card it read:
"Blessed are the mothers
those women who are part superhero,
part SAINT, who give generously and hug
happily..those wonderful women who are put on this
earth to remind us to how to care of each other...
and most important how to love.

Happy Mother's day"

and then he hand wrote "happy mothers day mom, I love you so much" emotions are off the charts right now...I dread this work
week and dread Fridays court date...

thanks for reading

Easier said than done, I'm stressing

hi, well, my ealier post from just this morning encouages you moms to just let it all go for today and try not to 'fret". I started out ok this morning, but it's now about 4pm, I am dreading my overloaded job tomorrow and to boot, I went to go purchase a Sunday paper to job search, and sure enough, my son stole my cash out of my wallet. 99.9% of the time I am in full control of the location of my purse but this morning I ran outside real quickly with my dog and she ended up playing with another dog and I left my
purse in my bedroom.  He lifted about 25.00. Right now he is working for a friend building a shed
so I am left here at the apt brewing with anger.
I know you all are saying "KICK HIM OUT NOW" but remember from my previous posts, I am keeping peace until he has attended his three court dates (so I dont lose the bail/bond money). His first court
date is this Friday, shop lifting. He has a court date in June for another shop lifting charge and also
a court date in June for being caught "using' in a public restroom. One court date at a time.
The true test will be when all these court dates are done...I then have to show TOUGH LOVE and
kick him out.

 Honestly, I just feel like loading up my car and driving to FL. I just wish I had enough in savings to relocate and start over. My somewhat positive and cheerful Sunday morning has turned to a sour
angry afternoon.

Time for me to go and PRAY.......



Today, just put all your worries aside and enjoy the day the best you can.
Tomorrow is another day, today, let your worries go.

I will start my fretting about my job and my son's court date TOMORROW.
Not today, today is a day of rest.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.
       -Mark Twain

Hi, it's Saturday. My son got a job helping a friend clean out thier garage today. The housework is done, nice breezy day out, got the windows and door open. Guess this is about as good as it gets. 

Jack, my son, goes to court this upcoming Friday. I am so stessed at work with the employee cuts that I took that day off, one, because I am about to have a melt down of the overload,
two,  I know it will be hard for me to concentrate waiting for the outcome of my son's court session. He does not want me to be there but I will need to know if he gets sent to prison or not. I have been feeling alot of quilt these past couple weeks about my lack of parenting skills during my son's youthful years. If you read my previous posts you will know that I am an alcoholic and so is my son's father, my ex-husband. We were both heavily drinking during my son's teenage years, the same time he turned to heroin.

I can not change the past but I sure can enhance the future. I don't drink anymore and that has made a huge difference in trying to keep sane in this life. I will repeat what I have been saying all along, PRAY. If you dealing with addiction in your life and don't know where else to turn, start by praying. I also really promote the "STEPHANS MINESTRY" program. Check into it at your local church. It is a wonderful program that does not cost anything and it provides a fellow peer to support you in these trying times. I will search for a link and put it in this post
for the program.

Today, at this moment, life feels safe. Like I said, my son is working today, with a prayer he will not come home stoned. I am resting and there is a summer breeze coming into my clean apartment.
I have put work out of my mind. I know as the week progresses I will be getting depressed
each day closer to Friday.

I talked with my counselor from Stephans Minestry and we both agree that on Friday, I need to be prepared to accept the courts decision and know God is control and it will all be for the best.  I trust this to be true.

As I sit here looking out into this beautiful summer day, I get a fantasy of going to my car,
and driving away, just driving until I run out of gas and money. And where ever I end would be my new home.   That image is what provoked my selection of my quote for today.

I know I am not happy here in this desert town, I want to relocate to Fl to be closer to
some of my siblings that live there. But, I live paycheck to paycheck and without a job lined up in FL I cant afford to do such an act. I have applied to jobs in FL, but again, with my credit

score (read my previous posts) and my background check, I am not a very good candidate.
So, I will pray for a mini miracle to come my way someday soon. For now, one day at a time.
Support my son during his court dates and struggle each day at a job I hate.

All I can say folks is "PRAY, PRAY and PRAY"  keeping in mind that God helps those who help keep trying to make the changes you need in your life and for every wall you come up to..either climb it or go around it and ask God to see you past it.


Thursday, May 5, 2011

Today is the tomorrow we worried about yesterday.  ~Author Unknown

Today is the tomorrow we worried about yesterday.  ~Author Unknown

Hi everyone, tomorrow is TGIF…AMEN…oh, and today is National Prayer day.
I am trying so very hard to read my quotes and to learn from them.
These past couple weeks I feel like Jacob Marley, chains and weights of doomed wrapped around
me. The stress of my job is unbelievable. My son going to court next Friday weighs heavy
with me also.

But, as my quotes that I have been selecting encourage "DON"T WORRY ABOUT THE UNKNOWN"
I have been trying to practice just that. But it is so much easier said than done. We have the last two office assistances still on board for two more weeks. After they are terminated, I will be solo carrying the office. I decided to take the Friday my son goes to court 5/13, off from work. I need a day off so badly and I really don’t want to be at work that day fretting. Plus I may as well take a day while there is still adequate coverage in the office.
I pray so hard to be able to laugh again, laugh from the gut. Dance, my gosh, I have not
gone to dance for years. Not for years. I live paycheck to paycheck and with my son’s addiction
I tend to keep to myself and not invite others into my life. I have taken a positive step,
the church I attend (not as much as I should) has a free ‘counseling" service.
In fact, my ‘counselor" comes over tonight. They are not professional licensed counselors, but they
have been trained to listen well and pray, pray and pray for the individual they work with.
I really need to vent so it will be nice to see her tonite. We meet about once every other week.
You should look into your church for such a service, it really helps. It
is called "The Stephan Ministries", it is a WONDERFUL program. Ask your church about it.

Back to my original topic, ADDICTION: I have included an interesting link on
ibogain. It seems a little bit of too good to be true. Below is the link. If anyone
has input on the treatment please send me a comment. I see how hard my son tries to get
off the heroin and I see how evil and strong the addiction is. If only a treatment such as ibogain really
worked. I would fight so hard to bring to the United States and make it legal.

Any thoughts on the treatment?

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

As a rule, what is out of sight disturbs men's minds more seriously than what they see.  ~Julius Caesar

As a rule, what is out of sight disturbs men's minds more seriously than what they see.  ~Julius Caesar
Loneliness, insomnia, and change:  the fear of these is even worse than the reality.  ~Mignon McLaughlin, The Second Neurotic's Notebook, 1966
I choose the two quotes above because I needed them and perhaps some of you out there need them too. My job is out in limbo with major lay offs and my son suffers with a heroin
addiction and has one out of three court dates starting May 13th, Friday the 13th.

I am stressed about the court outcome, but oddly, stressed if he goes to jail, and
stressed thinking if he does NOT go to jail and forecasting he will resume his dreadful behavior. Lately he has been a great help caring for our dog and keeping up with house choirs.
He has been doing odd landscaping jobs and goes days without using. This still sounds
awful, but trust me, it is the best it has been in years.

If I re-read my quotes I tell myself, let it go, what happens happens. Trust in God that
the right decisions are made.

In regards to my over stressed job, well, I just have to come in and do the best I can, and
let go of my dreaded fears of what is to come .
The sayings I selected have helped eased my pain today, I am not frowning as much today.
Just would like it better if I was doing the "happy dance".


Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Roller Coaster of life

Woe, besides my hormones are out of wack, my job is a depressing hell, my son DID come home last night and actually came home fairly early. He did not get arrested. I explained how angry I was about him not being there in the apartment for when the maintenance guys got there. He apologized and we sat and watched tv without speaking to each other. Now today was different, he applied for legal assistance, he cleaned the kitchen, when I pulled into the driveway today he was coming back from walking the dog..and then, miraculousy..he made a very healthy dinner for us.
Now, this is the son I dream of and pray for...maybe..just maybe, my prayers might be coming true.
He really is a wonderful person when he does not use. Next Friday is his court date, I pray to
God that the right court decisions are made.

I also pray dear Lord that you PLEASE PLEASE help me with my working life, I pray for a miracle and pray that SOME day I make my living doing my passion instead of my office job.

Please GOD, hear my prayer

Monday, May 2, 2011

He's baccckkkkkk

    Hi,  well, I was way off thinking my son was clean for any duration. He assured me he would be home all day today so I went ahead and scheduled the maint dept of my apt complex to come fix my circuit breakers for my bedroom. I blew a circuit and could not get my bedroom lights on this morning. A real simple thing, I said "don't lie to me" he promised he was home for the day. So
I scheduled maint. to come to the apt while I was work. Then, when I got home tonight,
from a work day from hell I might add, I got a note on my door that my dog would not let maint
into the apt. and when I came in my poor little dog was frigging out because she had not been out all day.
I am livid. I can tell he's been gone all day. I am really irate because he is suppose to clean the kitchen and care for the dog for his rent. He was suppose to even go to AA tonight.

He'll come home high tonight and I will most likely explode with yelling and screaming at him.
GRRRRRR..he could also have gotten arrested again or even overdosed. I never know how the eve
will turn out. About a year ago he came home and was out of it. Went to his room, shut the door.
Something was strange about it, I poked my head in on him and was ill at what I saw, he was actually
a blueish color and cold looking. I tried to wake him but could not, I held open his eyelid and his
eyes were rolled up into his head. I called 911 and the paramedics were there in what seemed like seconds. Sure enough, he overdosed. The paramedics said he was minutes from dead.

Folks out there, kids if you are using and driving your family insane, think about this....
I actually wonder sometimes if I should of ever checked in on him that night. I sometimes ponder the thought of how much more sane life would be if I had just let nature happen the way it was suppose to and NOT intervene that night. Kids, I LOVE my son, and for me to write those words horrifies me, but that is what this heroin addiction does to the love ones of the addict. It not only turns you, the addict, into
a crazed villain, but it turns the loved ones in your life into people they don't want to be.

PLEASE,,...GET OFF THE DRUGS and help your family stay sane!

Well, going to fix dinner. Will update you later to see how this nite turns out.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Believe with all of your heart that you will do what you were made to do.

  HI all. It's Sunday, and I have the blues thinking that I have to go to work tomorrow.
In the midst of management letting go of everyone in the office, they also let go the cleaning person. So I not only have to do the work of several others, I am "suppose" to vacuum and help clean the place. The restrooms are disgusting. I know I am to do more in life. I want to focus on my book, perhaps
go to public schools and talk to kids about how devastating drugs are, oh, if I could only get out of my dreadful job.

Ok, enough about my misery. Back to my son, Jack. His court date is the 13th. He's actually been clean for a few days and my home life is tolerable. My prayer is to get my working life to a better place
and then dealing with my son's addiction will not be so exhausting.

I have read that if you vision yourself fulfilling your passion, then it happens. Between my strong faith in God and my belief of this theory of visioning myself living my passion I will be a testamony of the truth behind it all.

I know God helps those who help themselves so I will start by going out and get the Sunday paper
to seek out other employment opportunities. Then I will pray and pray for my son and for the best possible outcome of his upcoming court date.

Note this day I write this post and let's see how long it takes for me to get to a better spot in my life.
Let's see if this positive attitude and prayer works!